Development of Recombinant Protein-Based Vaccine Against Classical Swine Fever Virus in Pigs Using Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana.
Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is highly contagious and fatal to infected pigs. Vaccines against CSFV have been developed from inactivated or modified live virus. The vaccine is effective for immunization of animals, but they are associated with E.coli Recombinant Proteins problems such as accidental spread of animal viruses in the field, and with trade barriers following vaccination. Here, we report the generation of transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants for large-scale, cost-effective production E2 fusion proteins for use as a recombinant vaccine against CSFV in pigs. Transgenic N.
benthamiana plants save an intergenic, single-copy insertion of a chimeric gene encoding a fusion protein E2 has a high level of expression of the transgene. For large-scale production of the fusion protein E2 leaf tissue, we developed protein purification protocol consisting of a cellulose-binding domain (CBD) -cellulose affinity based purification and size-exclusion gel filtration chromatography.
E2 fusion protein showed a high immunogenicity in piglets and provide protection against CSFV challenge. CBD in E2 fusion protein is also highly immunogenic. These results indicate that plant-produced recombinant fusion protein E2 can be developed into an effective vaccine against CSFV, with CBD as antigen markers to distinguish between vaccination and natural infection.
Development nonstructural 1 protein indirectly based recombinant enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for sero-surveillance of Japanese encephalitis in pigs.
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) cause severe neurological disease in humans, especially among children. The disease is endemic in several South Asian countries including India. Pig plays a major role as an amplifier host to JEV and act as a source of infection to humans through mosquito bites. Early detection of either virus or antibodies in pigs would help to carry out control measures to prevent the virus spreading to humans.
Swine rarely show symptoms of JEV infection and viraemic phase lasts for a short period of 3 to 4 days show the potential of antibody detection, which remains for a relatively long time, as a suitable alternative. Cost effective and sensitive Equine Recombinant Proteins tests to detect antibodies in pigs is not available JEV natives. Therefore, we have developed a recombinant nonstructural protein 1 (rNS1) based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of IgG antibodies to JEV in swine.
This test is a powerful, highly sensitive (91%), specific (97%), reproducible and affordable. Field validation of these tests performed by screening 3628 swine serum samples collected from various parts of India
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